Swiss Chard Plants For Sale Buy the Best Buy. Swiss Chard plants have a stunning look. Where to buy Swiss Chard plants for sale. Swiss Chard is one of those double-duty vegetables whose stunning good looks earn them a place in any ornamental border or patio-garden plot or plant a row in front of your Asparagus roots - plants. Actually Swiss Chard makes a great companion plant with Asparagus. And here's the reason why: The Asparagus ferns grow tall and will provide shade to the Swiss Chard. Both enjoy the same kind of water and same soil pH. Be sure to order your 3 year Asparagus you include some of the various colors of Swiss Chard as well. Make a Swiss Chard Show case. for your garden.
Remember to feed your Swiss Chard about once a month Happy Meal Plant Food.
Where To Plant Swiss Chard?
Plant Swiss Chard plants for sale directly to your garden or for a real garden show case and excellent plant growth plant Swiss Chard in a container - Fabric Grow Pot
What is Swiss Chard. Swiss Chard is a vegetable that is colorful and tasty. As well as full of nutritional goodness. The leafy portion is always a nice green, while the stalk can be white, bright yellow, or Christmas red. Swiss Chard will solve the problem of which vegetable to add to give your garden an interesting rainbow of color. If you are growing your own, or buy it from a farmer's market, it is not unusual to see all three colors packaged together as "Rainbow Chard".
A very colorful salad or vegetable dish can be made using all three colors together. The edible portion is the leaf and stalk. The stalk needs to cook longer than the leaf, so it can be treated as two separate vegetables. Grow Swiss Chard and enjoy the health. Buy many and freeze for when there is none.