How To Plant Everbearing Strawberries: Which ever way you decide to plant your Strawberries, they have the same basic needs: well-drained soil that is full of organic matter and at least six hours of sun each day, plus about an inch of water each week.
Strawberries do best when planted early in the spring or fall but not so early that the ground is muddy. Squeeze a handful of soil, then flick the resulting clod with your finger. If it breaks apart like chocolate cake, your soil is ready. If the clump stays together, wait a few days and try again. When the soil is ready, prepare it by mixing in a 3-inch layer of compost, digging it into the top foot of soil. Dig in 10-10-10 fertilizer at the rate of 1 pound per 100 square feet. If you're going to plant the berry plants in urns or other containers, fill the containers and then moisten the soil and plant. No garden no matter if Strawberries in a Grow Bag or planted directly to your garden should be without Red Garden Worms.
Have you ever wondered why your garden plants are growing so slow? Perhaps the plants look droopy. Or maybe they are not as vibrant and green as past years. Yet your soil pH is good, there is compost in the soil. And they have been watered as in past gardening years. Every garden needs Red Gardenming Worms. The worms break down the compost to a liquid that the plants can use. The plants do not eat unless the compost is in a liquid form. The red worms do this job. They add compost to the compost and turn everything into a product that the plants can use. No garden should be without Red Garden Worm Where to Buy near me.