Asparagus for your garden. Mary Washington asparagus are a long time gardening delight.  A no care asparagus variety that  will provide you with  years of plentiful harvests. Plant Mary Washington in your garden or plant in fabric grow bags and enjoy what all the gardeners are saying.

Andy's Asparagus Acres

15 -Mary Washington 3 Year Asparagus Roots Buy Best!

Regular price $101.00
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                      15 - Mary Washington 3 Year Asparagus

Mary Washington Asparagus is a hardy perennial garden favorite, beloved for its buttery and robust flavor and beautiful fern-like foliage. Mary grows well in a Garden Fabric Grow  Bags . Easy to plant in grow bags. Fast to grow. Plant many in garden fabric grow bags,

This tasty variety produces enough asparagus crowns to keep your family dining on nutritious greens from spring into early summer. Buy many and freeze extra for the winter for when there is none. Remember to feed your Asparagus plants Happy Meal Tea Plant Food right after planting and then again once a month.


 Andy's Fish Emulsion 100%Fish  100% Organic Plant Fertilizer.

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