Comfry The Garden Plant With So Many Benefits
Comfrey is a member of the Borage family Comfrey grows well in temperatures from very cold 40 F below zero and intense heat. Soil pH can be a wide range from 6.5 - 7.1. Plant many in Fabric Garden Grow Bags fast and easy gardening once you start using Comfrey you will wish for more.
Comfry Plant Characteristics
The Comfrey plant grows long hairy leaves that reach 12 to 18 inches long. The short stems come from a central crown. Comfrey produces bell-shaped flower that start blooming in April or early May and continue to bloom for most of the summer. Comfrey has a long deep thick root system that acts like an underground tiller. Plant Garlic in between your Comfry plants. Click here to find out why your garden should have many Garlic plants. Garlic

Fabric Garden Grow Bags:
Make a showcase out of your Comfry. Plant your Comfry in a Fabric Grow Pot. Fast as easy to plant. And the Comfrey love the air flow to the roots and you can never over water and no worry of too much water on a rainy day. Remember to feed your Comfry at least once a month Happy Meal Plant Food.

Red Garden Worms "The Life Of Your Soil"!! Every Garden Should Have Plenty Of Them!!
Have you every planted a garden and it never looked green enough or just grew slow all season and produced a poor harvest? Yet the pH was right, and the garden was not over or under watered. The soil had aged compost. Yet the garden produced poorly.
Here's the reason why!! Plants many times fed thru their roots. The compost in the soil can not be used by the plants as is . It must be broken down to a slimy liquid. Red worms do just that : they break down the compost to a usable form and add more compost .
Actually Red Garden Worms are the "life of you soil". Without worms the compost you put in your garden soil will not break down.