Jersey Knight
Image All Those Asparagus In Your Garden
If you are looking to grow thin sweet tender Asparagus spears, then Jersey Knight Asparagus Crowns are the solution for you. Jersey Knight Asparagus roots and crowns for sale will grow in any garden that has fertile that drains well.

Andy's Fish Emulsion 100% Organic 100% Fish
Where to Buy Best Fish Emulsion? Fish Emulsion is vital to any garden. They break down the compost into a watery product the plants roots can ingest. Also Fish Emulsion adds calcium and phosphorous the soil.
Red Gardening Worms. A gardening wonder. They till the soil add nutrients and most importantly have break down the compost to plants can eat. No garden should be without them.
Selecting A Variety Of Asparagus
The "key" to a successful Asparagus garden is the soil. Not the variety of Asparagus roots that you plant. Choose a variety of Asparagus to plant by the type of spears you like to eat. Asparagus like a well drained soil average 7.0.
Asparagus Garden Tea And equally important is to feed your Asparagus about once a month . Asparagus Garden Tea - Buy 1 Get 1 Free all organic. Plant Garlic in between your Asparagus and keep the pest out of your garden.