Where to Buy 2 Year Asparagus roots crowns plants for sale near me.  Plant many Asparagus crowns. Economical way to introduce Asparagus to your garden. Where to buy Asparagus roots near me? Plant the best that will live 25 years.

Andy's Asparagus Acres

50 - Asparagus Roots Crowns For Sale 2 Year - Buy Best !! $255.00 *

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Jersey Supreme 2 Year Crowns - Roots For Sale 

Where to buy the best  Jersey Supreme asparagus roots crowns 2 year. Jersey Supreme produce many sweat tender spears and unforgettable flavor. Plant many Jersey Supreme and enjoy the grand harvests.



The "key" to a successful growing Jersey Supreme is the soil. Asparagus like a well drained soil with an average pH 6.8 - 7.0.

Asparagus Garden Tea: and equally important is to feed your Asparagus about once a month - Asparagus Garden Tea all organic. Plant Garlic in between your Asparagus and keep the pest out of your garden.

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